- Portfolio-Wide Strategic Energy Planning
- Site-Specific Energy Engineering Support
- Applied Technology Assessment
- RFP Development & Support
- Incentive Optimization
- LEED Certification Support
- Water Conservation
- Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, Carbon Equivalents
- Staff Augmentation
- Water & Wastewater Facility Optimization
Expert Energy Engineering Resources for the Sustainability Officer, Energy Manager & Facilities Professional
Our electrical, mechanical, environmental and software engineers deliver a composite skill set and a passion for energy engineering. We understand the regulated utility environment as well as the competitive world of commercial and industrial facilities.
Water & Wastewater Facility Optimization
Our team includes energy engineers, process specialists, asset management and reliability experts, sanitary engineers, and project managers to generate actionable process-based energy management recommendations and continued implementation support and training.
AESC’s approach starts with a risk-based condition assessment and cascade analysis to identify critical interactions of processes and sub-processes at the plant. This allows us to define a variety of pathways for implementing optimization measures that improve system efficiency, reliability, maintainability, and operability.
In wastewater facilities, AESC works with operators to first optimize bio-chemical aspects of water filtration and reclamation, which in turn unlock significant energy savings potential. Efficiencies are realized by matching the energy demand of treatment works to the precise process load requirements.
More Than 20 Years
For more than 20 years, AESC has served commercial facilities on behalf of utilities and regulators. Our extensive support of demand side management and utility rebate and incentive programs makes us uniquely capable of evaluating your portfolio energy strategy and advising you as you navigate various technologies and financing options.
AESC supports your in-house team of facility experts. Our goal is to supplement your resources, not replace them or add redundant expense. In addition, we recognize the wealth of solution-provider and vendor expertise that can be used to your benefit—our unbiased support helps you get the most value from these relationships.

When the interests of facilities professionals, technology vendors, contractors and utilities align, successful projects are the result. At AESC, we understand that it takes vision, technology, relationships and capital—a team with shared goals—to move a project from concept to completion. That’s what guides our energy engineering efforts. That’s what makes us distinctly qualified to help you achieve your energy goals.
The AESC Approach to Supporting Your Strategic Energy Plan

Pursue Your Energy Goals With Confidence
You have ambitious energy goals, and there is no shortage of solutions or providers to achieve them. There are, however, two major barriers—fear of making bad investments and the challenge of identifying and assessing the best choices from a constantly changing array of solutions. AESC support can help you overcome the barriers and make confident investment decisions.
Expert Resources On-Demand
Today’s energy management landscape is complex. Even the most capable facilities staff does not have the resources to manage their portfolio and evaluate a wide variety of energy solutions. Let AESC’s staff of energy engineers be your “as needed” support team. We are experts in HVAC, Lighting, Controls, Building Envelope, On-Site Generation, Renewables, Utility Incentives and Measurement and Verification.
Unbiased Energy Engineering
AESC Energy Engineering resource teams operate without commercial bias. We don’t sell equipment or implement projects. We work for you, focused on your goals. This objectivity, combined with engineering expertise, utility incentive experience and the practical knowledge of how to get projects done, helps AESC deliver invaluable support wherever you’re at in your strategic energy plan.