Alternative Energy Systems Consulting, Inc. is a team of energy experts leading the market on climate solutions for utilities and facilities since 1994.

AESC delivers advanced and integrated energy solutions in energy efficiency, electrification, load flexibility, and distributed energy resources, as well as custom software implementation.



AESC brings expertise in energy efficiency, electrification, load flexibility, distributed energy resources, and grid resiliency to deployment of advanced energy projects, programs, and technologies. 



Annually, AESC leads dozens of studies and field tests of emerging efficiency and load flexibility technologies to advance state and utility policy objectives around efficiency, grid resiliency, and equity. 



AESC’s cloud-based software platform, Praxis, streamlines project and program processes and makes energy data actionable from project scoping and measure modeling to normalized regression-based M&V.


AESC provides turnkey energy program design and implementation that delivers comprehensive customer and utility benefits, informed by our deep technical, policy, and customer market understanding.  

Program highlight

MCE Peak Flex and Energy Efficiency Market Programs

AESC implements MCE Peak Flex and EE Market Programs, aggregator-delivered, pay-for-performance programs designed to target and deliver measurable impacts at the meter through demand-side interventions.

Current events and announcements from AESC

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