AESC Engineering Expertise
Strategic Energy Management (SEM)
Benefits for participating customers include energy and utility cost savings ranging from 2-5% per year, development of operations and maintenance (O&M) staff technical skills, and the opportunity to address strategic organizational energy and decarbonization goals through a facilitated process.
AESC provides turnkey SEM solutions for commercial, industrial, and multi-family markets. Over the past five years, AESC has helped more than 90 organizations and 250 sites improve energy performance. Our team tailors SEM to each organization’s site and portfolio needs and goals through a combination of technical and engineering support services, personalized energy coaching and organizational training, and energy performance tracking.

Portfolio benchmarking and advanced energy analytics to support opportunity targeting.
Project incentive and funding identification to uncover applicable rebates and tax credits through utilities and federal, state, and local funding sources.
Policy guidance support for legislation such as building energy performance standards (BEPS) and energy benchmarking.

Site energy mapping to prioritize significant energy uses.
Energy treasure hunts, conducted on-site with facility O&M staff to identify low-cost behavioral, operational, and retrocommissioning opportunities.
Energy policy & action plans development and management.
Milestone achievement payments to reward progress in program implementation.

Energy performance improvement energy modeling to track savings over time.
Building management system (BMS) reviews to diagnose challenges with building controls and help optimize system settings.
Energy project tracking to manage energy project opportunities and implementation.
“We’re now in our third year of SEM participation, and it couldn’t be better. The education, training, and ongoing activities ensure that even as staff changes, we remain on track with our energy efficiency goals…Energy efficiency saves us money in the operations of our multifamily buildings. Setting these goals and doing little things to improve energy efficiency like maintaining systems properly add up to create big savings.”
—Third Year Multifamily SEM Participant
The AESC SEM Approach
Whether an organization is just starting out in energy management, already has an advanced energy management system in place, or is tracking towards ISO 50001 Certification, AESC’s SEM solutions are tailored to meet customers where they are to advance them along the energy management journey.
AESC’s approach combines change management coaching and robust technical and engineering support to advance participants’ energy management goals.
Change Management Coaching Goals:
- Establish an energy champion within the organization’s leadership and develop a shared energy management vision.
- Increase employee and building occupant energy awareness.
- Engage employees and operational staff in identifying and implementing low-cost/no-cost project opportunities and “quick wins.”
- Cultivate energy management best practices through training workshops, proven tools and templates, and peer-to-peer participant learning cohorts.
- Provide ongoing energy coaching and one-on-one organizational engagement to instill best practices within an organization and ensure savings can persist over time.
- Create and execute energy policies and goals, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and foster a culture of continuous improvement
Robust Technical and Engineering Support
- Facilitate site assessments and energy “Treasure Hunts” to identify energy waste and opportunities.
- Develop energy models using regression and statistical techniques to measure and track true normalized savings performance. Illustrate how variables such as weather, production cycles,
and employee behaviors impact your company’s energy usage. - Help facility owners and operations staff implement meaningful energy projects to optimize energy performance.