Portland, OR Office Opens
AESC opens a Portland, OR office to support the expansion of energy engineering and technical study work for Energy Trust of Oregon and Bonneville Power Administration.
All timeline stories.
AESC opens a Portland, OR office to support the expansion of energy engineering and technical study work for Energy Trust of Oregon and Bonneville Power Administration.
AESC opens Charlotte, NC office and launches Praxis software tools to provide calculation, incentive, and application intake support to Duke Energy and its customers.
AESC begins supporting Duke Energy with the Smart $aver Custom Performance Incentive Program, leading to numerous and ongoing subsequent program, technical and software support contracts.
AESC is awarded PG&E Integrated Demand-Side Management (IDSM) contract and multiple SCE contracts to support audits, engineering reviews, field inspections and M&V. During this time AESC is also awarded a statewide contract to develop and maintain the Statewide Customized Offering Manual and calculators for CA IOUs to help determine custom measure savings.
AESC provides technical assistance to help integrate intermittent wind resources into the CA transmission system, using advanced controls and battery storage, initiating our smart grid work.
AESC opens the Pasadena, CA office to support Southern California Edison’s (SCE) custom energy efficiency program.
AESC opens the Oakland, CA office to support Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) custom energy efficiency program.
AESC is contracted as the primary technical consultant for the CA Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), supporting program design, implementation, and policy support for the Statewide Working Group as well as application reviews and inspections. In 2007 this evolved into the California Solar Initiative.
AESC begins performing emerging technology research for CA investor-owned utilities.
AESC develops the initial spreadsheet-based energy calculators that evolve to become the cornerstone of Praxis, AESC’s comprehensive cloud-based energy software platform for energy project management.