Carlsbad, CA- December 30, 2019- The Investor Confidence Project (ICP) is a global initiative for developing and evaluating energy efficiency retrofits. Developed by the Environmental Defense Fund, the Project seeks to provide energy investors and financing program administrators an elevated level of confidence for their investments in energy efficiency (EE) projects. ICP protocols are being adopted nationwide and now play a major role in many EE financing programs, including PG&E’s 0% On Bill Financing (OBF) and Commercial PACE (C-PACE). As a result, these programs now require that EE project developers employ independent ICP credentialed Quality Assurance (QA) Assessors to review projects prior to loan approval. In order for your organization to receive these select financing options for an energy efficiency project, you must follow certain ICP protocol.
AESC, Inc. can help your organization through ICP protocols. AESC is now certified by the Investor Confidence Project (ICP) to facilitate energy efficiency projects as either a Project Developer or a Quality Assurance Assessor.
As a project developer, AESC can:
- Perform an energy audit to identify energy efficiency projects
- Work with owner to develop a viable project per the ICP Protocols and prepare operational performance verification (OPV)plans, operations, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) plans, and measurement and verification (M&V) plans
- Register the project with ICP
- Collaborate with an independent QA Assessor to submit project documentation
As a QA assessor, AESC can:
- Review documentation for compliance with ICP Protocols
- Advise and assist project developer on any project deficiencies including calculations, OPV, OM&M, and M&V Plans
- Provide the certification and loan approval recommendation
- Coordinate with program administrator on loan acceptance
I’m interested in OBF with California utilities, can you provide an example scenario?
A large ESCO in CA provides energy efficiency services for a statewide institution. Program rules dictate that in order to receive the maximum OBF loan, ICP Protocols must be followed. The ESCO developed a large HVAC and lighting project consisting of a Building Management System upgrade and LED lighting retrofits with controls. The ESCO engaged AESC as QA Assessor to deliver third party engineering review to ensure financial viability. AESC was able to support the project and substantiate the savings claims and provide the third-party recommendation to the building owner. AESC worked with the program administrator to secure over $4 million in OBF funding.
More info on ICP protocol and the Roadmap to Investor Confidence
Using rigorous engineering and project management standards, the ICP accredits the practicality of EE projects with a “Roadmap to Investor Confidence”. This roadmap allows project investors to easily assess risk, evaluate future energy savings, and determine financial returns. The roadmap consists of 6 steps:
An EE project is conceptualized by building owners, energy engineers, etc.
Project Development
ICP-certified Project Developers are assigned to further develop the project using ICP Protocols
Quality Assurance
ICP-certified Quality Assurance Assessors review the project for ICP Compliance
Certification and/or Loan Acceptance
The project is finalized and loans can be granted by program administrators
Building owners and investors review the project benefits with increased confidence
The EE project performance is optimized and continually monitored
About AESC
AESC is an energy engineering practice providing high quality engineering and management services to enable rapid deployment of efficient, cost-effective, reliable and environmentally friendly energy systems. AESC’s customized engineering solutions and services are provided to utilities, government agencies, and other organizations that seek to improve energy production, delivery, and end use. Founded in 1994, AESC has offices in Carlsbad, Pasadena, Oakland, and Fresno, California and also in Portland, Oregon and Charlotte, North Carolina.
For more information, connect with us on LinkedIn.
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Media inquiries:
Brian Lynch
Program Manager