Program Solutions
IDSM Program Implementation
We design, develop and implement utility programs that comprehensively address energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed generation benefits to customers, specializing in the commercial and industrial market sectors. Our programs leverage the technical expertise across our team; from field engineering to custom software tools.
Meter-Based Program Solutions
AESC offers program design, implementation and advanced M&V support for energy program administrators interested in deploying pay-for-performance, meter-based programs that advance energy efficiency, load management, electrification and demand response measures while targeting temporal grid impacts.
Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Programs
AESC designs and implements commercial, industrial, and multifamily SEM programs. SEM programs help customers decrease energy use through a combination of energy coaching, engineering support, training cohorts, and energy savings modeling and M&V. AESC also has CP EnMS credentialed staff to drive implementation of energy management systems and 50001 Ready certification.
Program Evaluation
Our program evaluation work is enhanced by our understanding of program implementation fundamentals and challenges. We deliver impact evaluations using the framework of industry guidelines. Our staff has expertise in experimental design, statistical analysis, data collection, regression techniques, modeling, and econometric analysis.
Energy Resiliency Services
AESC leverages our innovative software solutions to offer building portfolio managers, utilities and local governments cost effective energy resiliency services including remote portfolio analysis and site targeting, onsite site assessments, system design and cost estimating, and implementation support.
Peak Load Management
Our peak load management services enable customers to predict peak demand hours, make smart adjustments to loads, and avoid costly energy demand spikes. AESC is currently supporting Southern California public utilities by providing feasibility studies, coordination, reporting, and implementation of demand response strategies for water and wastewater customers.
AESC is currently implementing or managing the following programs:
SOC ESS stands for the State of California Energy Strategy and Support. It is one of the first utility third-party programs specifically designed to help California state-owned buildings implement energy savings projects. As the program implementer, AESC is helping state agencies with support in four areas: financial, policy, technical, and trade pro management.
PG&E’s Market Access Program (MAP) is an innovative program that funds incremental energy efficiency and peak load reduction projects to mitigate the risk of capacity shortages in the summers of 2022 and 2023. AESC is a Lead Implementer that implements MAP on behalf of PG&E and is responsible for aggregator recruitment, technical support, incentive commitment, project M&V, and aggregator incentive payment.
RAPIDS takes a 360-view of wastewater treatment plants and provides flexible energy management options that simplify efficiency improvements without compromising plant safety, regulatory and compliance objectives, or budget resources.
AESC is a key team member implementing the California IOU’s statewide emerging technologies program, CalNEXT. AESC supports ET technology family roadmaps, selects and supports external project proposals, and implements technology field and market characterization studies in numerous technology areas.
Since 2001, AESC has been the leading technical consultant supporting the California Investor-Owned Utilities with SGIP which offers incentives for self-generation, storage and electrification technologies. AESC is also the primary consultant to the SGIP Working Group, providing technical comment CPUC legislation, developing and revising the SGIP handbook, and reviewing new technologies.
AESC works with Energy Trust of Oregon on their Commercial, Multifamily, and Industrial SEM programs.
Commercial: In partnership with TRC Companies, Inc., the AESC Commercial SEM team helps businesses across Oregon reduce energy use through a combination of behavioral, operational, and capex improvements supported by engineering expertise. Our coaches work directly with building operators and facility managers to implement long-lasting strategies to save energy in building systems, and across the organization, ensuring continuous improvement over time.
Multifamily: AESC worked with Energy Trust of Oregon and other partners to design an SEM offering that supports low-income multifamily housing properties achieve long-term energy savings. AESC now delivers the program that engages each organization’s leadership team, builds capacity for onsite facilities staff, as well as provides education and resources directly to residents. Our coaching team shepherds each housing organization through the SEM process while providing change management and engineering solutions.
The Duke Energy Smart $aver custom incentive program provides incentives to commercial and industrial customers who invest in energy-efficient equipment. AESC provides technical support to the custom program in the form of incentive application and calculation assistance and application reviews to verify savings estimates. Additionally, AESC provides customer-facing software tools to simplify the calculations required by the custom program as well as software to enable measurement and verification tracking and reporting.
Below is a list of some of our other non-program support projects:
SoCalGas Refinery Gas EE Program Support
Glumac RCx Support
Energy Trust of Oregon Production Efficiency Support
SDG&E Customer Programs Support
SDG&E Virtual Power Plant Study
City of LA EBEWE Assessments
SCE Emerging Technologies Studies
SoCal REN Technical Support
IREN Technical and Software Support
City of Pasadena Engineering Support
Duke Energy Software Services