Utility Program & Policy Support
- Program Evaluation, Measurement & Verification
- Cost-Effectiveness & Net-to-Gross Validation
- Comprehensive Energy Audits
- Custom Incentive Technical Reviews
- Emerging Technologies R&D
- Custom Web-based DSM Software Solutions
- Marketing Education & Outreach
- Training Seminar Design & Delivery
- Demand Side Management Program Support
- Strategic Energy Management
Demand Side Management Program Support
Electric and gas utilities need to encourage their customers to use energy more efficiently to preserve dwindling resources. The PUC has developed concept and monetary incentives for such efforts. Rising to this challenge requires understanding the PUC’s intent, developing various options and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of incentive levels.
AESC helps implement these programs and consults on the day-to-day program administration by:
- Preparing & Distributing Promotional Materials
- Conducting Training Seminars
- Developing Data Tracking Systems
- Conducting Administrative & Technical Reviews of Program Applications & Submissions
- As SEM coaches, develop models, perform site assessments, and facilitate workshops
- Helping Applicant’s Complete Forms & Calculations
- Performing Inspections of Baseline & Installed Equipment
- Evaluating Performance Data to Verify the Proposed Energy Savings
- Preparing Incentive Calculations & Contracts
AESC also assists contractors in the implementation of third-party programs. This assistance includes program design, technical analysis, review of procedures and applications, inspection services and reporting.
Distributed & Renewable Power Generation Projects
Integrated Demand Side Management Program Support
Under this multi-year contract with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), AESC is providing broad-based support of the PG&E’s Integrated Demand Side Management program. AESC support efforts are divided into four primary areas.
Non-Residential Standard Performance Contract (SPC) Program Support
AESC continues to demonstrate its ability to work successfully with California’s three investor-owned utilities through its statewide support of utility SPC programs.
1994, 1996 & 1997 EEI Impact Studies
AESC prepared the Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentive Program Impact Studies for Southern California Edison (SCE) that involved verification of SCE’s 1994, 1996 and 1997 program years.
Multi-Family Residential (MFR) Program Support
AESC was the program administrator for the Multi-Family Residential (MFR) SPC program for both SCE and Southern California Gas Company.
Design of California Standard Performance Contract Program
AESC was a key player in the development the original Small Business Standard Performance Contract (SBSPC) program in 1998. AESC has subsequently provided technical and administrative assistance in the annual revision and release of the SPC program every year since 1998.
1998, 1999 & 2000 Agricultural Efficiency Incentive Program Verifications
AESC completed Verification Studies for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) 1998, 1999 and 2000 Agricultural Efficiency Incentive Programs. As part of this effort, AESC reviewed the applications and energy savings calculations for all of the program participants.
Evaluation of Self-Generation for Energy Efficiency Programs
AESC investigated, evaluated and assessed various self-generation technologies as potential components of future California energy efficiency programs for the California Board of Energy Efficiency (CBEE).